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Mental Precipitation

Both matter and energy are formed by Archangelic Mind out of the primal substance which we call basic energy. Basic energy is the fundamental creation of God, even though it is neither matter nor particles of energy. All of the universe is permeated by basic energy, and where basic energy ends, that is the limit of space. Basic energy is like a frictionless, motionless fluid without mass, but we can detect its presence because it does offer resistance to the passage of particles of energy on the physical plane. Basic energy imposes an upper speed limit on electromagnetic radiations. On the other hand, thought and energy of the fourth nutational rate traverses all space instantly and also without being diminished in accordance with the Inverse Square Law.

Every particle, on whatever plane of existence, consists of one or more rapidly spinning, donut-shaped vortices, or eddies, in the basic energy. A vortex makes the basic energy somewhat more concentrated, or denser, within its bounds. As a result of its spin, a particle's axis has a precessional wobble similar to that of a gyroscope. This wobbling is called "nutation."

There are seven distinct nutational rates. One for each of the seven planes of existence. And these rates do not vary even slightly into faster or slower modes. The nutational rate of the particles of each plane of existence is exactly double the rate of the plane below it. Therefore, the vibrational rates of the seven planes advance by octaves. The nutational rate seems to be responsible for the unique variations of physics manifested by each plane of existence, and keeps the various planes from interacting with one another. When these particles traverse space in straight lines, they constitute energy. When the particles tightly orbit another particle or particles, they form atoms of matter on all the planes of existence. Every atom and particle on the physical plane is the result of, and is defined by, an exact Etheric pattern on the second plane of existence. That Etheric pattern is itself composed of atoms or particles of the second nutational rate.

The Etheric plane of existence has been contrived by God to be especially sensitive to the effect of thought. Even the most casual thought is impressed on the Akashic Record. Through Archangelic Mind power, energy and matter were first precipitated by Etheric particles and these were then used as patterns to hold together the corresponding particles the Archangels created on the physical plane. The binding force of gravity originates in Etheric patterns. Angels are mentally capable of coalescing Etheric particles into complex self-replicating patterns called Vital Bodies, upon which the physical bodies of plants and animals grow. New species are thus consciously evolved by the Angels.

Man's Mind is capable of drawing together Etheric thought forms and therefore, he too is an original creator. Man's ability to clothe his Etheric patterns with physical atoms by direct mental precipitation is limited to High Adepts and Masters. But unless a distinct Etheric thought form is first precipitated on the Etheric plane by a man, his gathering and attraction of the means to bring his dream into physical reality will not proceed in an orderly fashion, nor even be likely of realization at all. The Etheric pattern he creates acts as an attractant and a focalizing point for gathering and utilizing the energies and resources he must bring together to make his desire a physical reality.

The process used by Higher Beings to mentally create Etheric patterns plus mentally clothing them directly with physical atoms is referred to as "precipitation from the ethers." Incidentally, the term "ether" has been used by scientists to refer to a theoretical medium to transmit and support the wave-like phenomena of electromagnetic radiations, and it has no connection with the Etheric plane of existence other than an unfortunate similarity of name.

Every human being can at least form Etheric patterns mentally; and this ability, combined with his conscious effort to build upon it in the everyday world, and fulfill it, we will refer to merely as "precipitation." The more clearly defined, and the less vague the Etheric thought form he precipitates, the more rapidly and surely the physical counterpart can be brought into being by him.

The majority of people go through life never even suspecting the powers of the tremendous natural resource which is built into them--Mind. This powerful tool, when used properly, will bring the good things of life into your possession. Money, health and serenity, the traditional goals of success, are yours through discipline of your thoughts. Whatever you need, and can actually use in your daily affairs, you can bring into your environment as if by magic and precisely the way you want it to be.

In order for you to better understand and apply the Law of Precipitation, we will separate the process into six basic steps, By using these six steps you can begin to develop this marvelous tool. Each step is essential to the success of your precipitation and not one can be left out. The six steps of precipitation are: 1) an intense desire, 2) visualization, 3) concentration, 4) action, 5) a confident attitude, and 6) silence.

Let's explore each step. The first step is an intense desire. Naturally, before you are likely to expend the energy necessary to bring something into your environment you must have a sufficient desire for it. Desire fires your will to see the project through to a successful conclusion. The very fact that you earnestly desire something, creates an emotional charge which increases the intensity of your thoughts. The stronger your desire, the more wattage, as it were, with which you broadcast your intention to the universe. When you intensely desire something, you think of it more and more. Naturally, the more you think of it, the more you visualize it and run imaginary scenarios of yourself in possession of it.

The universe is totally impartial in its mechanics. It conforms to anybody's thoughts. The Etheric plane performs in response to evil thoughts as readily as to positive thoughts. There are no limits imposed on the will of man to mentally draw to him whatever he visualizes or believes he wants. There are no limits to what you can have. However, if you engage in sorcery to influence others mentally, you suffer the karmic consequences, and if you hope to retain what you bring into your environment, you must compensate for it with karmic credits. But the fact remains, the universe is neutral and open to everyone's mind power. So do not dream small dreams, but rather, reach out for great concepts.

No one ever gets more than he aspired to. If you bargain with life for a penny, then a penny is the most you will get. We are all too subject to traditional fears and cultural limits to our horizons. We are each entitled to control as much of the world as we can handle. Rarely does anyone care to stand in our way unless we try to take something away from him that he already has. The resources of this planet have barely been tapped. Imagination is all that is needed to yield ever more prosperity and blessings for everyone. The intelligent marshalling of human effort can accomplish virtually anything with a dream and a plan of appropriate scope. Surely, we shall combine the vast wealth of Lemuria with the great technical competence of Atlantis, which this planet easily accommodated and had the resources to support, into an even more magnificent and abundant civilization.

Most people in the world experience a glut of things they don't like because they worry and fret so constantly about these things rather than think about the conditions and things they do want. Everyone's world conforms to his thinking sooner or later. The preponderance of your thought follows the lead of your attitudes and outlook, and this is what precipitates into your life via the mechanics of the Etheric plane responding to what you think about most. If fear and anger are the predominant modes of your thought, then the things you fear and hate will enter your environment because you'll draw them to you mentally. There are a tremendous number of people who subconsciously do not want success because of the obligations which being successful would place upon them. And there are yet other people who believe they do not deserve success because of their feelings of guilt or their pervading sense of unworthiness. Obviously, these attitudes present a counter-precipitation to what one might otherwise choose to enjoy. The underlying causes of such negative attitudes must be addressed and corrected before a person can achieve effective, conscious precipitation.

It should also be remembered that a precipitative effort simply cannot begin when you are trying to decide between two or more alternative plans or goals. One goal and one only must be chosen from among competing alternatives before an Etheric pattern can be built. As long as you are pulled in several different directions, your desire is too scattered to have the necessary focus and single-minded intensity required for success. A traveler who is torn between going east, west, north, or south is unable to proceed anywhere. He must choose one route, and thoroughly kill off consideration of all the rejected options so he can cleave directly toward a destination.

The second step of precipitation is that of visualization. As mentioned earlier, each item on the physical plane has an exact Etheric pattern which had to first exist on the second plane of existence. When you visualize the item or condition you want, you are creating the beginning of the Etheric pattern for it. In this respect, the visualization is much like a blueprint which you would give to a building contractor. He will use the images on the paper to turn them into reality. A sharper, more defined image is easier to work with and better guarantees accuracy of his work. When all of the component parts have been considered and mentally organized into a complete plan, the physical realization of it proceeds smoothly. The visualization process, which is a function of the mind's power of imagination, should be frequently repeated to intensify the strength of; and reinforce the precision of the Etheric pattern being created.

It is useful at this point to use visualization aids like drawings and precise detailing on paper. An artistic rendition of exactly what you want can be hung on your mirror or carried in your wallet or purse for frequent review and projection into the universe with perfect fidelity as to your desire.

Include yourself in your imaging. Visualize yourself enjoying it and using it in mental movies. Visualizing a parking space just where you want it in front of a downtown building or theater at a busy time without seeing yourself parking your car in it, may well produce the opening, but allows someone else to pull into it.

Don't make the similar error of trying to precipitate a sum of money with which to buy some house or some car, instead of visualizing exactly what end result you want. Money is too general an item for effective precipitation. And if you do get a sizable sum, it tends to fritter away in disconcerting ways without obtaining the object you really wanted the money for.

The third step is concentration, which is closely allied to the visualization step. Once you have formed a clear image of your precipitation, focus your attention on that image to the near exclusion of all else. The violet screen provides the perfect avenue for attaining an undistracted, single-minded concentration. Nuclear physicists have generated powerful magnetic fields to compress and contain ultra-high temperature, ionized gases called plasmas, which would instantly destroy any physical container were the plasma to touch it. Instead of using magnetism, it is inherent in the precipitation process for your mind to modify the binding energies of the Etheric plane to form a similar pressure chamber made up of Etheric force fields. Your intensive, concentrated focusing of mental energy upon your precipitative visualization, builds up a pressure in that Etheric pressure chamber. This pressure under your mental control is power, and it can be accumulated and condensed through a series of many inputs over a period of time to build an Etheric pattern upon which you are directing your attention. The mental power with which you endow your visualization is in direct proportion to the intensity of your desire. The greater your enthusiasm, the more rapidly and precisely your precipitation ensues. Since, at your present state of advancement, you are probably not able to mentally clothe Etheric patterns with physical atoms directly, you must next do something on the physical level in order to bring your precipitation to completion. This leads us to the fourth step: action.

It is good to have faith and know that God's laws always hold true, but The Epistle of James reminds us that faith without works is dead. However, recognize the fact that it takes time for the natural outworkings of forces to occur. Remember, that the Etheric pattern you have mentally built is a powerful attractant for what you will need to gather together on the physical level. You will be amazed at how the materials and the people with the talents you need will just seem to drop into your lap at the right time and in the right order. If you are precipitating a new job that will be precisely what you want in the way of wages, conditions, challenges, and future opportunities, you must go out and make contacts with likely employers. The exact situation you want may very well not come about from one of those prospective employers, but rather from an entirely unexpected quarter. But your active efforts on this mundane level are important to the eventual success of your precipitation. Such active support of your desire plus use of the six steps of precipitation tends to further focus your mental energies and crystallize your thoughts into stronger Etheric patterns.

It is a recognized fact that most people are more action oriented than reliant on abstract visualizations. So action is a potent stimulator and pacer of precipitative endeavors. Should it be that you seek to precipitate a spouse into your life, visualize what you want in that person's appearance, personality, interests, age and so forth, rather than picking a specific person and trying to mentally induce him or her into marriage with you, for that would be sorcery. Action also entails the acquisition of karmic credits to compensate for your precipitation. A trained ego can bring almost anything into his possession, but if you don't have the money or karmic credits to pay for it, you cannot long retain or own the results of your successful precipitation.

The fifth step of mental precipitation is a confident, positive attitude. Once you decide on a thing or condition to precipitate, you must remain confident of its positive outcome. To hope it will work implies doubt. Know that it will come about. Fear of failure will detract from your ability to concentrate your full mental energies. In addition, fear or worry of possible failure creates images which can counteract the creative energy you expend in attaining your goal. God's Laws never fail. However, there is no question but that fear is one of man's most prevalent and dominating emotions due to millennia of negative thinking, ignorance, a sense of helplessness in the face of nature and unseen powers, superstition, and fear of demons and unknown causes of disease and natural disasters. But you know better. Therefore, adopt an attitude of having already succeeded and be thankful, rather than fearful. Rest assured that your precipitation is coming about so long as you conscientiously apply the six steps.

The frequent use of an affirmation aids in reminding yourself of your power as a human Ego. The human mind works on what concepts repeatedly pass through the consciousness and thus imbed themselves in the subconscious brain where they continue to act similar to hypnotic suggestions. At least twice a day, and as often as dozens of times daily, repeat, "I am an agent of God in action Wealth manifests in and through me."

The sixth and final step is to remain silent about your precipitation. To prematurely talk about what you are planning to precipitate or expect to acquire, is to release the accumulated mental energy from your Etheric pressure chamber. By remaining silent, you continue to charge that Etheric condenser with your creative mental energies. You should only discuss your precipitation with those who need to know about it in order to help bring it about. For instance, to build your home, you may need to consult with a realtor, architect or contractor. Their involvement is essential to the realization of your precipitation and does not constitute a negative influence or a cause of dissipation of the pressure from the pressure chamber. In addition, their added mental energies and actions will assist yours in bringing your precipitation to fruition.

Your silence will avoid the negativity which is frequently generated by those who do not appreciate the worthiness or value of your goal. Why be on the defensive? If someone doesn't need to know what you are working on, why share it? People may be jealous of your aspirations, or simply believe you can't do what you claim. This could result in negative mental energy being directed against the purpose of your precipitation which could cancel it out. By not rousing opposition, you don't have to dissipate your mental or emotional energies in overcoming it. You also do not expose yourself to uninvited criticism or jeering ridicule. Then, too, your telling another person of your plans could generate such enthusiastic congratulations from him that you might derive sufficient gratification from these praises so as to have no further incentive to pursue the effort of carrying through.

The repetitive focusing of your mental powers upon a given precipitative endeavor has a side-effect of eliciting the attention of other persons via their sympathetic mental attunement to your thoughts. People with similar interests seem to be drawn together over even great distances due to this mental phenomenon. The persons who need one another to accomplish mutual interests thus seem to be drawn into one another's environments. Many flourishing partnerships have come about in this way.

An unwanted natural effect of precipitation is the fact that negative thoughts precipitate as well as desirable ones. It is possible to keep the worries and fears that you dwell upon from eventuating into reality by talking about them, since this dissipates the charge in the Etheric pressure chamber that naturally forms around an Etheric pattern which is being repetitively reinforced. The most effective remedy, of course, is to root out fearful thinking. Love and faith are the antithesis of fear and worry, and it is not possible for fear and love to coexist at the same time in a person. 

To believe only possibilities is not faith, but mere philosophy.
If anything can be done, experience and skill can do it.
If a thing cannot be done, only faith can do it.
Faith is fear that has said its prayers.
Faith is not contrary to reason, but rather reason grown courageous.

I have been discussing the marvelous, though widely unsuspected, power of precipitation by which we human beings can modify our environment and eventually bring it into a state which is entirely to our liking. Your every thought influences the universe in some way. The ideas you habitually operate upon and your actual philosophy, constantly reinforce that philosophy by precipitating its features into your personal reality. The Lemurian philosophy is a practical guide for living. It can show you how to change your life to conform to your highest ideals and fondest dreams. If your life's circumstances are not yet fully conforming to your liking, remember that your surroundings are almost an exact reflection of your attitudes. Who and what you attract are replicas of your real fears and aspirations. Is your environment sordid, chaotic, threatening, depressing? You precipitated, mentally attracted, and gravitated to such conditions. But you are the master of what thoughts pass through your mind. Refuse to continue to draw negative aspects of life to you, and hereafter think entirely uplifting thoughts. Stop engaging in immoral and trashy behavior that erodes self-esteem and produces low emotional tone. Physically remove yourself from a physical environment that drags you down. Leave people behind who make you angry, sick and afraid because of their unsane behaviors. Let the dead bury the dead. Reach out for light, love, beauty, serenity and control of your life's situations. Whatever you concentrate upon and hold in your consciousness, eventuates into physical reality. When a negative thought enters your mind, do not pursue it or dwell upon it, for that gives it power. Instead, dismiss that negative thought and determinedly replace it with visions of all that is good and beautiful. Make this an unwavering habit no matter how fiercely you have to will it to be so. Practicing the Great Virtues enhances your acquisition of the technique to hold to this resolution.

Many positive-minded people of the world are banding together at Adelphi to create an oasis of civility, justice, serenity and love. We match our dreams to the Etheric patterns long ago started by Higher Beings for the creation of a true civilization, and the establishment of the Nation of God on Earth. Those who have learned how to control their lives and to make their emotions serve them in uplifting ways have created a mutual environment which serves to further uplift the thoughts and aspirations of the community's inhabitants. By raising an elevated foundation upon which our children can build to still a higher level, we serve each other and help to make the world a better place.

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