A Celebration of Richard Kieninger's Life

Our beloved Richard Kieninger, Emissary of the Brotherhoods, went through transition on the twenty-sixth of March, 2002, after an extended illness. Friends and supporters of Richard shared memories and celebrated his life at a memorial gathering on the fourteenth of April, 2002.

Richard worked his entire adult life for the improvement of the human condition. He had recently completed a fellowship hall which he named the Dell. He felt strongly that a special place where members and visitors could gather would provide an environment necessary for the next step in our growth both as individuals and as a community. He wanted us to spend more time just being together so that we might learn, more deeply, the ways of love and brotherhood.

Richard's daily input will be greatly missed as we continue growing into our part of the Great Plan of the Brotherhoods. We are finding that he has prepared us well over the past few years to continue this work and we look forward to welcoming a greater number of people into the Adelphi family.
